Länkar, litteratur, forskning

Länkar, litteratur och forskning

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STAT, The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique




Joseph Artzi, Köpenhamn

Karsten Svane Hansen, Köpenhamn

Pedro de Alcantara, Paris



FM Alexander: Man's Supreme Inheritance

FM Alexander: Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual

FM Alexander: The Use of the Self

FM Alexander: The Universal Constant in Living

Dr Wilfred Barlow: The Alexander Principle

Patrick Macdonald: The Alexander Technique As I See It

Lulie Westfeldt: F. Matthias Alexander: The Man and his Work

Frank Pierce Jones: Body Awareness in Action

Pedro de Alcantara: Indirect Procedures: A Musicians Guide to the Alexander   Technique


Studie publicerad i British Medical Journal, BMJ

Artikel publicerad av Harvard Medical School